Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nadine's 1st B'day Party

I know it's already been awhile since the celebration. But sokelah, me wanna put her pics during the party neh. she looks sooo cute that day with her off white dress.

It was on the 24th Dec 2006. Her b'day was actually on 17th Dec. What can I say the place already fully booked on the date. So here she is...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My 1st time......

Ini padahal udah diisi lho, kok tau2 ngak ada tulisan apa2 didalemnya. Hayo what's going wrong? yah maklumlah namanya juga amatiran mungkin ada yg kelupaan dipencet buttonnya. Jadi kuulang lagi ni ya.